Posts in Fitness and Health
HIIT it!

Hey Fusers! Isn't it crazy that January is almost over?! How does time get away so quickly? While I never can quite figure out the answer to that question, what I do know is that there have been lots of awesome, challenging and rewarding workouts in 2016 thus far!

The year is off to a great start at The Fuse--you all have been kicking ass and working really hard! And I know, because we haven't been easy on you :) As you all know, this month's focus has been high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and we have really been pushing the envelope. I remember the first week of the month, and everyone seemed to really be huffing and puffing more than usual through the intervals (especially coming off of the holidays). However, heading into the last week of the month, I can easily say that the focus on HIIT is really showing, and you are all doing amazing! We're at a normal rate of huffing and puffing, and out of the "I'm going to die!!!!" place we were all living at the first week of January. So, great job everyone, the hard work is paying off ;)

keep calm

So let's talk about why HIIT works. First off, it's efficient--you truly only need 15 minutes to get in a solid, sweat-inducing workout. HIIT utilizes short (generally under a minute), intense (hence the name) bursts of movement, followed by a short rest interval. Generally it's just enough time to take the edge off and let your heart rate drop a bit, so that you can go all out in your next interval. Because the workouts are short, you can really push yourself. It is proven that just 15 minutes of HIIT is more effective and will have much greater results than one-hour of steady rate cardio. Short and sweet. Who doesn't love that?HIIT1CRSecondly, it's extremely effective for fat loss. According to Eric Salvador, NASM and NSCA certified personal trainer and head instructor at The Fhitting Room in NYC, “A high-intensity workout increases the body’s need for oxygen during the effort and creates an oxygen shortage, causing your body to ask for more oxygen during recovery. This afterburn effect is referred to as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic and steady-state workouts.” In other words, it really ramps up your metabolism, burning more energy thus leading to fat loss. Winning.

loss2Lastly, HIIT is convenient. Meaning you can do it anywhere. Also meaning you can no longer make any excuses. Seriously. Here's what I mean: let's choose 5 bodyweight exercises. We'll make it easy (not easy to do, easy to choose) and go with jump squats, skater jumps, mountain climbers, push-ups and burpees. Remember, I didn't say easy to do. We'll create the interval--30 seconds of all out, balls to the wall movement followed by 15 seconds of rest, 4 rounds total. All in all, we're talking 15 minutes total from start to finish. That's it. Which is why you are going to push as hard as you can. And you're not going to complain about it!! Because it beats running on a treadmill for an hour, remember that!

So Fusers, keep up the awesome work through the rest of January, and start getting excited for our February focus, which will be speed. Weather permitting, we'll have a couple scheduled track workouts, which are going to be fun! And by fun, I mean hard. But in the best way possible :)

Yours in health,

Kristin at The Fuse Fitness

Happy Summer!

Hi Fusers! It's been quite some time that the old blog has been collecting dust! Working towards more frequent blogposts!


So much has happened at Fuse since last time, so here's a little catch up. Back in March we merged with Woohoo Fit and partnered with owner Eva Bramwell, a good friend of ours. We realized how like-minded our fitness philosophies are, how very similar our clientele and demographic are, and thought it would be a great move to expand and blend our fitness communities. And it has been awesome! We love all the Woohoo-ers and they have truly added to our community here at Fuse.

In April, Pascha and I and our families took a spring break vacation over to Playa del Carmen, Mexico. We went with three other families, all amazing friends of ours who we have met through Fuse. Pascha and I count our blessings on a very regular basis--we have truly met some of the most wonderful friends through Fuse.


In June we proudly celebrated our 4th anniversary! We hosted an anniversary outdoor bootcamp followed by a potluck brunch with mimosas. This year really felt special and celebratory--we have gained lots of new members, as well as trainers Eva, Kelly and Juliet, all truly wonderful and inspiring.





So far this summer, lots of our members and clients have been traveling or will be traveling. It's important to remember to exercise while on vacation! Most of us splurge while vacationing (it is vacation after all!), so it's super important to stay active. Whether it's changing up your routine and adding long bicycle rides, swimming, or hiking, or doing a body-weight workout in your hotel room, just move! Don't let all your hard work at the gym fall to the wayside just because you can't come to your Fuse workouts! Here's a body-weight routine to take on vacation:

-Warm-up with a light jog, 5-10min

4 Rounds:

20 air squats

10 pushups

20/side mountain climbers

10 burpees

20 walking lunges

10/side ice skater jumps

You'll get a great sweat going, and will feel so much better about enjoying your margarita poolside later in the day :) Also, if you follow our Facebook page, we share a weekly workout as well as interesting health articles, motivation, and tips to live a healthier life.

Cheers to summertime, health and life!

Kristin at The Fuse Fitness

Catching up and welcoming in 2015 at The Fuse!

Hi Fusers! We've been out of touch a bit here on the blog, but looking forward to more blogging this year! We hope 2015 is off to a good start for everyone! Here's a bit about what we've been up to at The Fuse in the last few months....

Classes have been awesome, lots of dedicated clients working their booties off, continuing to amaze us with their hard work, dedication to their health, and continuous gains in strength.

We had an awesome turnout and beautiful day for our Annual Outdoor Thanksgiving Bootcamp:

Check out those beautiful fall leaves!

"After" group shot!

We had a fun, dedicated group get after our Annual Outdoor Christmas Eve "12 Days of Xmas" Workout:

Love the doggies!

Clients getting at it in bootcamp in January:

Go Dagi!

Nice pike Andrea!

Yeah Gail!!

We decided to do a Wall Ball Challenge for the month of February, where you complete the max amount of wall ball shots in one minute. Competition has been fierce, and the winner at the end of the month will win a Fit Bit Flex. Who's going to take the prize?!

Lastly, we had a great Valentine's Day Outdoor Bootcamp last weekend. We did a fun, challenging partner workout.


The weather was amazing (hello 75 degree weather in February) and our clients worked so hard to complete this challenge. Started out with a game of freeze tag...

Frank was "it" because he was late :)

There were box jumps:

100 box jumps per team


Burpees and planks:


Partner leg throws:


High five squat jumps:


Wall ball partner pass:


And of course, adorable kiddos:

How cute is he?!


And with that, I'm going to wrap it up. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for daily health tips, recipes, workouts and fun!  It's been a great few months, and we're looking forward to entering into the spring and summer months with more outdoor weekend bootcamps.

Keep up the great work Fusers!!

Much love,

Kristin at The Fuse

Friday Roundup!

Hi Fusers! Happy Friday :) Hope your weeks have been good so far....the weekend is here!

Here's what we're looking forward to this weekend:

1) Giant's game tonight!!! Pascha and I are HUGE Giants fans, to the point that we'll cancel work, clients, drop everything to watch our beloved boys in orange and black in the World Series. You'll find us together tonight with our kids and friends, hooting and hollering, hoping to see our boys clinch the third game.


2) Halloween party tomorrow night! We'll be celebrating Halloween at my husband's super awesome nightclub, The Night Light, in Jack London Square on Saturday evening. The kids will be tucked away at home, and us grown-ups will be getting our party on!! All are welcome, come on out to see what Pascha and I will be dressed up as!!

3) Colusa Circle Halloween event Sunday! Our little community here on the Colusa Circle will be hosting a Halloween event for the kiddos from 10-1pm. Our studio will be making a kid's obstacle course and giving out Spooky Punch, while the other small businesses will be hosting their own kids' activities. Always a good time, come on out and visit us!! colusa

It's been a great week here, we spent all last weekend re-organizing our studio and the feedback has been great! Clients are loving the new feel of our studio, which is awesome. So grateful to Beverly and Josh for helping us out last Sunday.

And lastly, here's a roundup of all that we shared and were inspired by this week:

Monday Motivation river

Tuesday Tips of the Week "12 Counterintuitive Health Tips that Really Work"

Wednesday Workout!

Tabata Core 20/10 x 8 A) Hollow rocks B) Superman

AMRAP-12 minutes 1. 10 Scapular push ups 2. 10 squat jumps 3. 6 Foward/reverse lunges per side 4. Suicide sprints

Thursday "Multitasking Damages Your Brain and Career, New Studies Suggest"

Foodie Friday "8 Comforting Paleo Turkey Chilis"

Have a great weekend!!

Yours in Health,

Kristin at The Fuse Fitness

Baby TJ is here!! And Week 4 of Challenge--No more sugar!!

Hi Fusers! First off, just wanted to let everyone know who hasn't heard yet, Pascha delivered healthy little TJ on Sunday, May 4th. She is doing well, resting and recovering at home.  She was at the studio that very morning, taking Michael's class, then went into labor and delivered later that day. Pascha has been a great example of how exercising can and should be done throughout pregnancy. She lowered the intensity when she needed to, listened to her body (some days a nap was more in order than a workout), but pushed through, knowing that a strong body would make an easier delivery and recovery. Congratulations to Pascha, Terence and proud big sister Anai!!!

anai and tj

tjAnyway, onward to THE CHALLENGE. First of all, how is everyone doing?! We are into Week 4 now. Last week we eliminated gluten--I know that one can be very difficult for people, so just want to know how you're doing with it. This week has been long dreaded by many--no more sugar!! We are only allowed to have fruit from here on out, no honey, no maple syrup, no sugar alternatives.

keep-calm-and-no-sugarCheck out this article from Mark's Daily Apple, an extremely informative, science-based blog about primal/paleo living. It breaks down all the different types of sugar and talks about the effects these various forms of sugar has on our bodies. With hardly any exceptions, sugar is an anti-nutrient, meaning it has no significant nutritional value. And with eating, it is imperative to our health to be consuming nutrient rich foods and eliminating anti-nutrients.

With obesity now a nation-wide, and increasingly global, epidemic, it is very important to look at the human diet and assess what is going wrong. Our society is eating processed foods galore, loaded with trans-fats and SUGAR. According to Dr. Mercola, a well-known doctor and blogger of natural health, more than 50% of all Americans consumer 1/2 pound of sugar EACH day!! It is becoming scientifically proven that excessive consumption of sugar is the leading cause of obesity and chronic disease in America. Check out this article for more information regarding the dangers of sugar.

Unfortunately for all those of you who have a sweet tooth, too much sugar consumption leads directly to increased weight gain. Without significantly reducing sugar, ideally eliminating it on a daily level, saving only for very special occasions, fat loss will be extremely difficult.

Whenever sugar is consumed, our blood sugar levels spike, causing high levels of insulin to be released into the bloodstream. In a nutshell, this leads to roller-coaster peaks and valleys in our blood sugar levels, which in turn causes excessive amounts of cortisol (the "stress hormone") to be produced and released into the body, which then leads to a decreased metabolism, immune weakness, chronic fatigue, as well as fat gain, especially around the mid-section. The key to staying lean, having plenty of energy, and staying healthy overall is keeping your blood sugar levels regulated and stable.  (

So, I know this will be a huge challenge for many of you. But stick with it. I promise you will feel so much better--less belly fat, high energy levels throughout the day--at the end of this challenge. Trust me, I have completed the 21 Day Sugar Detox two times in the last year, which eliminates all grains and sugars, and I also gave up dairy. While challenging, which you can read about HERE, the effects on my body were amazing. I also lost my taste for sugar, as anything that has added sugar simply tastes way too sweet. That being said, I know you can do it too! Remember, nothing in life is worthwhile unless you've really worked for it ;)

Yours in health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness


Week 2: Drink a minimum of 6 cups of water a day

Hi Fusers! Congratulations on completing Week 1! I hope you have successfully completed the week free of eating any processed foods. Trust me, your body is grateful :) And if you slipped up, or chose to indulge in something that was processed, I hope that you made it in for an extra workout to make up the points. Remember, this isn't all or nothing, it's more of a system of checks and balances. We're in this for the long haul, making the transformations that will lead us to greater health. So keep up the great work everyone!

This week the challenge is to drink at least 6 cups of water each day, adding an extra cup for each caffeinated beverage consumed. As easy as this challenge sounds, many of us find that we just don't drink enough water. I know for me, I really have to think about this one, it truly doesn't come naturally to me. However, I know that by focusing on this challenge, I'm all the better because of it ;)

waterDid you know our bodies are 60-70% water? Every cell in our bodies is composed of water, thus making sense of why it is so vital for us to drink enough. We lose water constantly, from sweating, breathing, and going to the bathroom. It is essential that we drink enough water to replenish the water lost in our bodies,  as well as maintain the balance of bodily fluids, which help aid in digestion, circulation, transportation of nutrients, as well as help maintain body temperature.


In regards to exercise, water intake is extremely important. Obviously to replenish water lost via sweating, however ensuring your body is properly hydrated prior to working out is absolutely necessary for optimal performance. Muscle tissue is composed of at least 75% water. Being dehydrated can lead to fatigue, weakness, dizziness and/or electrolyte imbalance. Once your brain signals to you that you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. So best to stay on top of it.

I posted another article on our FB page that discusses a variety of other reasons why drinking enough water is so important.

Good luck this week continuing to keep processed foods out of your bodies and enough water in your bodies. Keep up the great work with your workouts, I know a lot of you got bonus points last week for doing more than 3, great job!

See you in the studio :)

Yours in health,

Kristin at The Fuse Fitness

Über Challenge Spring 2014

Hi Fusers! We are pumped. The time has come to really kick it into high gear. We are about to seriously take control of our health, staying consistent with our workouts, adopting healthy eating habits, and getting rid of junk that's weighing us down. Introducing the Über Challenge!

ways-to-eat-healthierThis 60-day challenge begins tomorrow, April 15. Why 8 weeks? Because we want to see results and reach our goals, and that takes time. We'll be making new positive changes each week, focusing on consistency and follow through. We're tackling this head on. It is important to understand there is no quick fix; fitness and health are a journey and we'll be damned if we're not going to help make that journey a better ride.

The way the challenge works is that you get "+" points for working out and eating well, and "-" points for not working out and eating well. Pretty simple, right? To motivate everyone and eventually reward someone, the Über Challenge costs $10 to play; the winner takes all!

The main objective of this challenge is to improve our health. We may all be motivated by different reasons; whether it's to move better, feel better, sleep better, and/or look better, the one definitive commonality is that we want to be healthier. So here's how we're going to achieve that. Workout a minimum of 3 times each week at The Fuse, improve our eating and health habits, and improve on a timed workout challenge. Boom, it's that simple. And guess what? Thanks to all of you, we have a built-in support system.

Each week there will be a healthy habit to adopt for the week and all successive weeks moving forward. This is a progressive challenge with each week adding another healthy behavior.

Week 1: eliminate all processed foods.

Week 2: drink 6 cups of water a day; add 1 cup for every caffeinated beverage consumed.

Week 3: eliminate all gluten products.

Week 4: eliminate all sugar/sugar alternatives except fruit.

Week 5: get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night.

Week 6: eliminate alcohol.

Week 7: reduce caffeinated beverages to only 1 per day.

Week 8: reduce recreational screen time (tv, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to 2 hours or less.

So there you have it. Über Challenge Spring 2014. Begins tomorrow. Are you ready???

Yours in Health,

Kristin at The Fuse Fitness


Following a Paleo Lifestyle to Prevent Heart Disease

Hi Fusers!

Hopefully you all took the heart health quiz we posted earlier this month to see where you stand. Today, I'm going to talk to you about how following a Paleo lifestyle (see how I say lifestyle, not diet) will significantly reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, LDL (or "bad" cholesterol) and triglycerides, as well as diabetes. All these things lead to improved heart health. That's what the month of February is all about, learning how to improve heart health.

Heart disease affects 65 million Americans. One of 3 deaths in the U.S. is caused by heart disease. One in 3 Americans have metabolic syndrome, a group of significant risk factors that are directly related to obesity and insulin resistance (Chris Kresser).

Over the last 50 years, the FDA has maintained that a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol causes heart disease. Foods such as eggs (specifically the yolks) and bacon are bad for us. Have you stopped to wonder why despite the push of a low-fat, reduced-calorie, no cholesterol diet, the levels of obesity, heart disease, blood pressure, and diabetes have all continued to increase significantly?

There is mounting, overwhelming evidence that suggests that this type of low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, heavy in low-fat grains and dairy, as well as heavy in processed foods such as low-fat crackers, cookies and treats, is not the way to go. Rather, a diet that emphasizes high-quality animal proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds and excludes all processed foods, gluten, dairy, sugar, legumes, starches, and alcohol is the way to go. This type of eating has shown and is continuing to prove that it can prevent and help treat heart disease, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and digestive disorders, amongst other things, such as ADHD and dementia (Huffington Post).


The Paleo diet focuses on eliminating inflammatory foods that can upset both the immune and digestive systems. Less inflammation in the body is a good thing. It reduces gut bloating and discomfort, allowing food to digest properly, as well as reduces joint and body pain. The Paleo diet also focuses on foods that are low on the glycemic index, which prevents your blood sugar levels from spiking and then crashing. This in turn is why eating Paleo has an amazing effect on energy levels--your body doesn't have the roller coaster of energy highs and lows that are associated with eating refined sugar, simple carbohydrates, and processed foods.

Eating a Paleo diet provides the body with a rich supply of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants, as well as focuses on foods that boost your metabolism and keep your body satiated and satisfied.

Here is a list of the top heart-healthy Paleo foods, according to Chris Kresser, author of Diet Heart Myth:

  • Cold-water, fatty fish--an excellent source of omega-3 fat.

  • Olives, olive oil, macadamia nuts and avocados--some of the very best sources of monounsaturated fats, which are shown to reduce LDL and triglycerides, and reduce HDL. They also reduce oxidation and inflammation, lower blood pressure, and reduce thrombosis.

  • Anti-oxidant rich foods, a variety of colors of fruits and veggies, red meat, organ meats, eggs and grass-fed dairy, help our antioxidant defense system protects us from oxidative damage, which is a major cause of heart disease. We need to eat in a way to strengthen our defense system.

  • Polyphenol-rich foods such as tea, especially green, blueberries, EEVO, citrus, coffee, turmeric and other herbs and spices, naturally defend against infections, sunlight damage, and chemical oxidation.

  • Consumption of nuts is associated with a decrease in many heart disease risk factors, including BMI and systolic blood pressure.

  • Soluble-fiber rich vegetables such as brussel sprouts, carrots, sweet potatoes, asparagus and fruits, like apricots, oranges and grapefruits, bind bile acids; inhibit fatty acid synthesis; improve insulin sensitivity; and increase satiety with lower overall energy intake. (The Diet-Heart Myth: How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Naturally by Chris Kresser)

How does this all work? Every day, we have a certain amount of cholesterol in our bodies; 25% which comes from our diet and 75% which is produced inside our bodies by the liver. Most of the cholesterol found in food is not absorbed by our bodies. However, the body regulates how much cholesterol it produces in relation to how much it takes in; when intake increases, the body makes less, and vice versa. There have been cholesterol feeding studies done that show that in 75% of the population, dietary cholesterol has very little impact on blood cholesterol levels. In the other 25%, dietary cholesterol does modestly increase both LDL and HDL, but does not affect the ratio or increase the risk of heart disease. Eating cholesterol is not bad for you, so, eat your eggs and do not waste those yolks. Egg yolks contain all 13 of the essential nutrients found in an egg (Kresser).

egg yolkStudies also show that lower-carb diets (grains, sugars) are associated with increased fat loss and HDL, decreased BMI and waist circumference, as well as reduced triglycerides, blood pressure and plasma insulin (Mercola).

Coming back to the term Paleo lifestyle, there are several important behaviors that go hand in hand with improving your health. Regular exercise, sitting less and walking more (separate from regular exercise) significantly reduce your risk of heart disease, as well as reduce the symptoms for those who already have heart disease (Mercola; Kresser).

Also very important to a healthy lifestyle is sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation is a huge factor in heart disease, causing weight gain, insulin resistance, decreased energy, and an increased appetite (Kresser).

Finally, managing one's stress levels goes a long way in helping prevent heart disease. Very high stress levels can cause a myriad of symptoms, such as an overproduction of cortisol, which can lead to weight gain, impaired blood sugar control, and increased inflammation in the body.

That being said, chronic inflammation in our bodies is simply not good for us. The Paleo diet, especially the heart-healthy foods mentioned above, significantly helps in reducing inflammation, which in turn creates a healthier heart, and an overall healthier body. Increased energy and weight loss are amazing side benefits of eating this way and will occur naturally.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, I'm happy to answer.

Yours in Health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness

1. Huffington Post; 6 Health Lessons From The Paleo DIet;

2. Chris Kresser; The Diet-Heart Myth: How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Naturally;

3. Robb Wolf; What Is The Paleo DIet?;

4. Paleo Grubs; 17 Benefits of Eating Paleo;

5. Dr. Mercola; Feast Like a Caveman and Watch the Pounds Melt Away;

A Healthy Heart is a Happy Heart

Hi Fusers! Hope your 2014 is getting off to a great start! Can you believe we're already into February?! Crazy....

February is Heart Health Awareness month and we're on board to help! At The Fuse, we're challenging everyone to increase their cardiovascular health. We've created an intense interval training set and are testing throughout the month. The goal is to improve your score! Simple yet effective. A healthy heart is a happy heart!

I-heart-my-heartThe heart is a muscle and just like our butt muscles, it can get flabby if not given a good workout. Take this quick quiz to test your heart health. If you score 4 or less, maybe you should pay The Fuse Fitness a visit or take classes with us more often!

1. What are the American Heart Association recommendations for physical activity in adults? a. At least one hour a day of walking or other like activity. b. At least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise. c. At least 30 minutes a day four days a week within your target heart rate.

The full answer is here, but all the answers above are correct. The key is to exercise at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise. That could mean walking briskly for an hour a day or exercising vigorously 30 minutes a day four days a week.

2. What are the risk factors for heart disease that we are born with and cannot change? a. Increasing age b. Gender c. Heredity d. Socio-economic status e. Food preferences

We cannot fight biology so the first three answers are correct. Read more for the full answer.

3. What are the major risk factors we can modify to reduce our risk of heart disease? a. Smoking tobacco b. High blood cholesterol c. High blood pressure d. Physical inactivity e. Weight f. Family history

We have some control over our heart health. All of the answers above are true, except family history. We can modify these risk factors through diet, exercise and smoking cessation. Click here for the full article.

4. What are the symptoms of heart disease that may lead to a heart attack? a. Difficulty breathing b. Chest pain c. Palpitations d. Undue fatigue e. Increased appetite f. Nausea/vomiting g. Back or jaw pain

All the above are true except increased appetite, click here for more information.

The answer is slightly different for women, so read this article for more information.

5. According to the American Heart Association today, about one in ten American kids and teens is overweight or obese. True or False?

Sadly this is false, the answer is about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese, nearly triple the rate in 1963. Is your child at risk of obesity? Read here for more information about childhood obesity.

healthy-heart1Hopefully you answered most correct and learned something in the process! We're helping to promote heart health awareness and it is our mission to help keep our clients' hearts healthy and happy!

Yours in health,

The Fuse Fitness

My 21 Day Sugar Detox (DSD) Experience

Hi Fusers, Happy Sunday! Today is Day 21 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox! That's right, the last day. Congrats to everyone who did this detox with us :)


I chose to do Level 3 of the 21 DSD. There are 3 levels, the third being the most strict. It is a rigid paleo diet (no grains, legumes, dairy, refined carbs, or alcohol) and no sugar at all. Period. You may not consume fruit during these 21 days. The detox program suggested to only choose level 3 if you are already used to following a paleo/grain free lifestyle. I have been for years, not always super strict, but at least 80/20%. There is an "athlete modification" for those who workout vigorously multiple times a week that allows 1/2 cup of sweet potato a day. I did not consume sweet potato daily, probably about 5 days out of the 21. The point of the detox is to regulate and stabilize your blood sugar levels, which in turn keeps you from craving refined carbs and sugar as a pick-me-up.


So, you probably want to know how it went. Lucky for you, I'm gonna fill you in on the details. The good, the bad and the ugly. I think I'll start with the good (always better to start with the positive, right?).... Let's be real for a minute though, the good outweighs the bad and ugly by a million to one. But I wouldn't be being honest if I didn't share the challenges as well.

The Good

While I did not do this detox with a goal of losing weight/body fat, the majority of people on this detox will lose body fat. The more body fat you have to lose, the more dramatic the difference. While I consumed a large amount of calories all day long, I absolutely saw a difference in my body. I leaned out a bit more and my abs became very defined. Even though that wasn't my goal, I'll take it as a win.

Almost immediately, I experienced increased and more consistent energy levels all day long. Whew, sometimes I annoyed myself with the amount of energy I had. It's been awesome. No more mid-afternoon yawns, which is the one time of day I've always struggled with.

With that, I also experienced better sleep. I am someone who is a light sleeper, wakes easily and has suffered on and off from bouts of insomnia throughout my life. But wouldn't you know that this detox kept me sleeping like a baby. High energy all day, sound sleep all night....not gonna lie, this is AWESOME.

I've struggled with IBS/digestive problems my entire life, which is the primary reason I decided to go mostly paleo years ago. Tightening up the reins and diving into this detox, I truly experienced the most comfortable and regular digestion I can ever remember having. This I tell you, a freaking blessing. I haven't had any problems with bloating or stomach aches at all. It feels great.

Overall, I just feel pretty dang healthy.

The Bad

Well, for me there wasn't much "bad." Because I already followed the paleo lifestyle, there weren't a huge amount of changes for me, which made this much easier. The 3rd day of the detox, I did have a headache for most of the day, which cleared, and never resurfaced. The more sugar and refined carbs you consume in your diet before beginning the detox, the more difficult the detox symptoms can be. They range from lethargy (in the beginning), persisting headaches, cold/flu-like symptoms, and irritability.

The Ugly

So, there were a few moments of ugly. They all happened during the first week, and mostly the first weekend of the detox.

While washing grapes for my daughter's lunch one evening, probably around Day 3 or 4, I found myself salivating and practically drooling. I wanted one of those grapes with a vigor I have never experienced with any piece of food. It took me by surprise and was such a mind-battle. I had to seriously fight myself not to eat just one grape. It was emotionally exhausting.

Don't these look drool-worthy? :)

On day 5, Friday evening, Anai came over for a playdate with Ava, and the kids wanted dessert. I let them choose what they wanted, they picked mint-chip ice cream in a cone. I obliged. After we ate a 21 DSD approved/paleo dinner, they wanted their ice cream cones. As I was scooping the ice cream into the cones, it was melting quickly, running down my fingers. OH MAN, I cannot tell you had badly I wanted to just lick my fingers. It was pure torture. I thought the grapes were bad, but this, wow. And I don't even really like mint-chip ice cream, to be honest I'm truly not really a sweets person.

Thankfully, no one witnessed this scene, this battle, or could read the crazy thoughts in my head. For that, I am grateful. It was ugly. I solved it by shoving my hand under water and washing the ice cream off before things got worse. I gave the girls the ice cream and for the rest of the evening had an intense craving of wanting something, anything, that would satisfy me. I wanted a glass of wine, I wanted something sweet, I wanted something I wasn't allowed to have. And right then I realized how most people rely on a treat, whether it's wine/alcohol, dinner out, or dessert to transition them from weekday/workday into relaxation/weekend mode.


That night was the most difficult for me, because it took me completely by surprise. I'm used to eating really clean/paleo all week long. For a long while I have reaped the benefits of better energy, better sleep, better stomach issues, and know that this is how my body performs most optimally, allowing me to work 12 hour days on my feet all day. But come Friday evening, I'm ready for something to transition me into weekend mode. And I never realized that. It hit me very intensely. The following two weekends were hugely better, because I wasn't surprised by it. Being mentally prepared for what may come made all the difference. I

I also found that there were many people in my life who had a difficult time accepting that I was doing this detox. I heard things like why do you have to always be so extreme?!; you don't need to lose weight, why are you doing this?; this is crazy, no fruit, that's nuts!; when you get pregnant, you'll have to be extreme, so why would you do this to yourself now?!.....There were times I had to remind these people that it was my choice, it is only 21 days, reassure them that my goal was not to lose weight, and that I wanted to experience the health benefits from this. This was my favorite line: "Just have this one glass of wine, no one will know." That's where it got ugly. That awkward moment when I said, "Well really, two people will know, you and me. And I think that defeats the whole purpose."

There you have it, my 21 DSD experience in a nutshell. I feel great and will continue and adhere to a paleo lifestlye with very little to no sugar. I will enjoy fruit again, however I've for a long time only eaten maybe a piece a day. And I am truly looking forward to celebrating this accomplishment with a really good glass of wine.

Please feel free to ask me any questions or share your 21 DSD experience with me!

Yours in health,

Kristin at The Fuse Fitness