Posts tagged happy new year
Catching up and welcoming in 2015 at The Fuse!

Hi Fusers! We've been out of touch a bit here on the blog, but looking forward to more blogging this year! We hope 2015 is off to a good start for everyone! Here's a bit about what we've been up to at The Fuse in the last few months....

Classes have been awesome, lots of dedicated clients working their booties off, continuing to amaze us with their hard work, dedication to their health, and continuous gains in strength.

We had an awesome turnout and beautiful day for our Annual Outdoor Thanksgiving Bootcamp:

Check out those beautiful fall leaves!

"After" group shot!

We had a fun, dedicated group get after our Annual Outdoor Christmas Eve "12 Days of Xmas" Workout:

Love the doggies!

Clients getting at it in bootcamp in January:

Go Dagi!

Nice pike Andrea!

Yeah Gail!!

We decided to do a Wall Ball Challenge for the month of February, where you complete the max amount of wall ball shots in one minute. Competition has been fierce, and the winner at the end of the month will win a Fit Bit Flex. Who's going to take the prize?!

Lastly, we had a great Valentine's Day Outdoor Bootcamp last weekend. We did a fun, challenging partner workout.


The weather was amazing (hello 75 degree weather in February) and our clients worked so hard to complete this challenge. Started out with a game of freeze tag...

Frank was "it" because he was late :)

There were box jumps:

100 box jumps per team


Burpees and planks:


Partner leg throws:


High five squat jumps:


Wall ball partner pass:


And of course, adorable kiddos:

How cute is he?!


And with that, I'm going to wrap it up. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for daily health tips, recipes, workouts and fun!  It's been a great few months, and we're looking forward to entering into the spring and summer months with more outdoor weekend bootcamps.

Keep up the great work Fusers!!

Much love,

Kristin at The Fuse

New Year, New You

Hi Fusers! Happy New Year!! Here at The Fuse we are committed to making 2013 the year to accomplish all your fitness goals. We are here to help with fun, creative, well-designed workouts that will leave you leaner, stronger, more functional, and more balanced in mind, body and spirit.


"Clear your mind of can't." --Samuel Johnson

This quote inspires us to keep going, keep trying, to never give up. It's often too easy to quit when things get tough. Those last 10 burpees for example--are they hard? Absolutely. Would it be easier and more comfortable to quit. Sure. But in the end, is that the most rewarding choice, the one getting you closer to your goals? Probably not.  Rarely is the easier choice the best choice. Results, success and accomplishment simply come from good, old-fashioned hard work.


The Fuse Fitness, both its instructors and members, is a place where everyone is supportive of each other. We are all in this journey together--to be fit, healthy and strong. To live life to the fullest. Together, we will achieve our fitness goals.

Whether your 2013 goal(s) is to do a strict pull up, complete 20 push ups in a row, sprint that hill without feeling like you're going to die, do the Tough Mudder or some other crazy race, or decrease your body fat while increasing lean muscle mass---you CAN do it. Your support system is here. The year is brand new. Time to clear your mind of can't and make this year all about the new you!

Yours in health,


P.s. Feel free to email us at if you ever have any questions or need some extra support or motivation. We are here for you!

That's a wrap!

Hi friends! Happy New Year! Now that 2011 has wrapped up, here's to 2012 being a year that brings good things to you and your family!

The holidays have been a whirlwind this year, lots of fun, and lots of crazy :) Here's a quick recap of mine in photos....

I'm sure we all indulged more than usual, but don't let it bum you out. We work hard all year long, we deserve to have some indulgent behavior :)

Now, time to get your booties back into The Fuse.....let's get this new year started with a bang! We're kicking it into gear this month with our New Years Specials and our fitness challenge.

There are two specials--the first is for all members, a 2 for 1 deal--you bring in a workout buddy (spouse, friend, partner, etc), you both receive 50% off a monthly unlimited package AND you have someone to motivate you (reg. $150 each, now $75 each). The second deal is for new members only, which is $50 off a monthly unlimited class package (reg. $150, now $100).

And the challenge for this month....the dreaded/loved burpee....dreaded by you, loved by us, dreaded because they're tough, loved because they get results. The most burpees (no push-up on the burpee) in 90 seconds wins. The prize? A $75 gift certificate to Lululemon...a little something toward showing off your hard-earned, toned muscles.

And that's a wrap. Happy New Year!!!

Yours in Health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness,