Posts tagged the fuse fitness
Client of the Month: Daly Richards

Hey Fusers!

The Client of the Month for March is Daly Richards.  She has taken it upon herself to learn more about fitness by becoming a NASM Certified Personal Trainer!  She first joined The Fuse when she took a TRX class with Pascha, and besides her becoming certified her greatest accomplishment is becoming a Mom.  Great job in setting a prime example for her daughter to live by.  


Here are some random facts about her:

  • Favorite exercise:

    • Bear hold/crawl, band walks, plank variations, hip thrust, glute bridge, and anything that involves being upside down.

  • Favorite food:  

    • Pizza, but, unfortunately i can't eat it as I avoid gluten and dairy.  I also love olives and am happy that I can eat them.

  • What others may not know:  

    • I briefly had dreams of joining the circus and took flying trapeze lessons for several years.

  • Favorite sport: 

    • Watching my daughter play Albany HS Varsity basketball: 

  • Favorite thing about the fuse:  

    • Instructors are awesome and the members are all super friendly and welcoming to newcomers!

  • Next goal: 

    • I am interested in taking courses in corrective exercise and possibly nutrition.

Trainer of the Month

Hey Fusers!  

This year we wanted to shake things ups a bit and let you get to know all our trainers a bit more! We thought it would be fun to highlight a different trainer each month so you can learn more about who they are, where they originally come from, how they got into fitness, and what inspires/motivates them.

Up first!! The strong, beautiful, loyal and loving Gail Hotten. This amazing woman has been with Fuse the longest, and we are so honored and grateful for all that she contributes to Fuse.  

Trainer of the Month: Gail Hotten

Gail steps up to help out and goes above and beyond for us--always making herself available for subbing at the last minute, helping us build and open the Albany studio (we could NOT have done it without her and her husband Scott--we are forever grateful to them both), taking towels home to wash and always offering to fold them when we haven’t been able to get to it. She’s known for creating some really tough, challenging workouts, despite her sweet, calm and innocent-seeming nature ;)

Originally from Seattle, Washington, Gail moved to the Bay Area when she was just 2 years old.  Like many things in her life, she sort of just fell into becoming a fitness professional--we like to think of it as serendipitous :)

She started taking classes at Berkeley Iron Works, an indoor climbing gym, and was a regular in their spin class program.  One day the instructor asked if she wanted to teach 1 class each week. Despite already knowing everyone in the class from having taken it, she wasn’t sure she wanted to do it because she was fearful of having to speak in front of a group of people.  She decided to take on the dual challenge--doing something she hadn’t done before, as well as face her fears of being in front of the class teaching.

“I couldn’t get over myself, but that led to my own personal interest in fitness.  I started to workout more often, and eventually learned more about boot camp style classes.”

Believe it or not, one of her first bootcamp classes that she took was Kristin’s Monkey Ninja BootCamp at Iron Works. See what we mean by serendipitous :)

“I got my by butt kicked and realized that I have no business in this class, and I never went back.” Ok, maybe it wasn’t serendipitous at first….;)

She never went back until Kristin actually needed a sub for one of her classes, which Gail agreed to teach.  Eventually one thing led to another and she was asked to take over an early morning bootcamp class at Iron Works.  However, she didn’t want to do so until she was certified. Thus, she made the decision to become a Certified Personal Trainer, took over the early morning class, and with the help of Kristin and Pascha, she developed her own training style. 

Here’s the good stuff….what inspires Gail to be in this industry?

“I’m a people person and if I didn’t end up doing this, I would have gotten into some type of social work or therapist work.  I love helping people find the right resources to help them get through the challenges in their lives. I learned to be resourceful at a young age.  I remember wanting a pair of Guess jeans, that was the style back then, and my dad had a great idea for me to work to get them. I would do introductory piano lessons for students that were on the waitlist to get into my mom’s piano class, and I enjoyed helping them prepare for it.  I love working with people and seeing them make strides to get closer to their goals is rewarding for me.”

Fun Facts

Guilty Pleasures:

Corn Chips and Guacamole.


Peanut butter and dark chocolate.  

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

“Mountain biking, hiking, trail running, cooking, and having people over for some dinner and wine.  Carnitas for bigger parties with a good green sauce, then you can break out your margaritas. Apple cider braised pork shoulder recipe that I love to do, depends on the people coming over.”

If you could be an animal what would it by and why?

A cat.  No particular reason, it was the first animal to come to mind.

HIIT it!

Hey Fusers! Isn't it crazy that January is almost over?! How does time get away so quickly? While I never can quite figure out the answer to that question, what I do know is that there have been lots of awesome, challenging and rewarding workouts in 2016 thus far!

The year is off to a great start at The Fuse--you all have been kicking ass and working really hard! And I know, because we haven't been easy on you :) As you all know, this month's focus has been high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and we have really been pushing the envelope. I remember the first week of the month, and everyone seemed to really be huffing and puffing more than usual through the intervals (especially coming off of the holidays). However, heading into the last week of the month, I can easily say that the focus on HIIT is really showing, and you are all doing amazing! We're at a normal rate of huffing and puffing, and out of the "I'm going to die!!!!" place we were all living at the first week of January. So, great job everyone, the hard work is paying off ;)

keep calm

So let's talk about why HIIT works. First off, it's efficient--you truly only need 15 minutes to get in a solid, sweat-inducing workout. HIIT utilizes short (generally under a minute), intense (hence the name) bursts of movement, followed by a short rest interval. Generally it's just enough time to take the edge off and let your heart rate drop a bit, so that you can go all out in your next interval. Because the workouts are short, you can really push yourself. It is proven that just 15 minutes of HIIT is more effective and will have much greater results than one-hour of steady rate cardio. Short and sweet. Who doesn't love that?HIIT1CRSecondly, it's extremely effective for fat loss. According to Eric Salvador, NASM and NSCA certified personal trainer and head instructor at The Fhitting Room in NYC, “A high-intensity workout increases the body’s need for oxygen during the effort and creates an oxygen shortage, causing your body to ask for more oxygen during recovery. This afterburn effect is referred to as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic and steady-state workouts.” In other words, it really ramps up your metabolism, burning more energy thus leading to fat loss. Winning.

loss2Lastly, HIIT is convenient. Meaning you can do it anywhere. Also meaning you can no longer make any excuses. Seriously. Here's what I mean: let's choose 5 bodyweight exercises. We'll make it easy (not easy to do, easy to choose) and go with jump squats, skater jumps, mountain climbers, push-ups and burpees. Remember, I didn't say easy to do. We'll create the interval--30 seconds of all out, balls to the wall movement followed by 15 seconds of rest, 4 rounds total. All in all, we're talking 15 minutes total from start to finish. That's it. Which is why you are going to push as hard as you can. And you're not going to complain about it!! Because it beats running on a treadmill for an hour, remember that!

So Fusers, keep up the awesome work through the rest of January, and start getting excited for our February focus, which will be speed. Weather permitting, we'll have a couple scheduled track workouts, which are going to be fun! And by fun, I mean hard. But in the best way possible :)

Yours in health,

Kristin at The Fuse Fitness

My 21 Day Sugar Detox (DSD) Experience

Hi Fusers, Happy Sunday! Today is Day 21 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox! That's right, the last day. Congrats to everyone who did this detox with us :)


I chose to do Level 3 of the 21 DSD. There are 3 levels, the third being the most strict. It is a rigid paleo diet (no grains, legumes, dairy, refined carbs, or alcohol) and no sugar at all. Period. You may not consume fruit during these 21 days. The detox program suggested to only choose level 3 if you are already used to following a paleo/grain free lifestyle. I have been for years, not always super strict, but at least 80/20%. There is an "athlete modification" for those who workout vigorously multiple times a week that allows 1/2 cup of sweet potato a day. I did not consume sweet potato daily, probably about 5 days out of the 21. The point of the detox is to regulate and stabilize your blood sugar levels, which in turn keeps you from craving refined carbs and sugar as a pick-me-up.


So, you probably want to know how it went. Lucky for you, I'm gonna fill you in on the details. The good, the bad and the ugly. I think I'll start with the good (always better to start with the positive, right?).... Let's be real for a minute though, the good outweighs the bad and ugly by a million to one. But I wouldn't be being honest if I didn't share the challenges as well.

The Good

While I did not do this detox with a goal of losing weight/body fat, the majority of people on this detox will lose body fat. The more body fat you have to lose, the more dramatic the difference. While I consumed a large amount of calories all day long, I absolutely saw a difference in my body. I leaned out a bit more and my abs became very defined. Even though that wasn't my goal, I'll take it as a win.

Almost immediately, I experienced increased and more consistent energy levels all day long. Whew, sometimes I annoyed myself with the amount of energy I had. It's been awesome. No more mid-afternoon yawns, which is the one time of day I've always struggled with.

With that, I also experienced better sleep. I am someone who is a light sleeper, wakes easily and has suffered on and off from bouts of insomnia throughout my life. But wouldn't you know that this detox kept me sleeping like a baby. High energy all day, sound sleep all night....not gonna lie, this is AWESOME.

I've struggled with IBS/digestive problems my entire life, which is the primary reason I decided to go mostly paleo years ago. Tightening up the reins and diving into this detox, I truly experienced the most comfortable and regular digestion I can ever remember having. This I tell you, a freaking blessing. I haven't had any problems with bloating or stomach aches at all. It feels great.

Overall, I just feel pretty dang healthy.

The Bad

Well, for me there wasn't much "bad." Because I already followed the paleo lifestyle, there weren't a huge amount of changes for me, which made this much easier. The 3rd day of the detox, I did have a headache for most of the day, which cleared, and never resurfaced. The more sugar and refined carbs you consume in your diet before beginning the detox, the more difficult the detox symptoms can be. They range from lethargy (in the beginning), persisting headaches, cold/flu-like symptoms, and irritability.

The Ugly

So, there were a few moments of ugly. They all happened during the first week, and mostly the first weekend of the detox.

While washing grapes for my daughter's lunch one evening, probably around Day 3 or 4, I found myself salivating and practically drooling. I wanted one of those grapes with a vigor I have never experienced with any piece of food. It took me by surprise and was such a mind-battle. I had to seriously fight myself not to eat just one grape. It was emotionally exhausting.

Don't these look drool-worthy? :)

On day 5, Friday evening, Anai came over for a playdate with Ava, and the kids wanted dessert. I let them choose what they wanted, they picked mint-chip ice cream in a cone. I obliged. After we ate a 21 DSD approved/paleo dinner, they wanted their ice cream cones. As I was scooping the ice cream into the cones, it was melting quickly, running down my fingers. OH MAN, I cannot tell you had badly I wanted to just lick my fingers. It was pure torture. I thought the grapes were bad, but this, wow. And I don't even really like mint-chip ice cream, to be honest I'm truly not really a sweets person.

Thankfully, no one witnessed this scene, this battle, or could read the crazy thoughts in my head. For that, I am grateful. It was ugly. I solved it by shoving my hand under water and washing the ice cream off before things got worse. I gave the girls the ice cream and for the rest of the evening had an intense craving of wanting something, anything, that would satisfy me. I wanted a glass of wine, I wanted something sweet, I wanted something I wasn't allowed to have. And right then I realized how most people rely on a treat, whether it's wine/alcohol, dinner out, or dessert to transition them from weekday/workday into relaxation/weekend mode.


That night was the most difficult for me, because it took me completely by surprise. I'm used to eating really clean/paleo all week long. For a long while I have reaped the benefits of better energy, better sleep, better stomach issues, and know that this is how my body performs most optimally, allowing me to work 12 hour days on my feet all day. But come Friday evening, I'm ready for something to transition me into weekend mode. And I never realized that. It hit me very intensely. The following two weekends were hugely better, because I wasn't surprised by it. Being mentally prepared for what may come made all the difference. I

I also found that there were many people in my life who had a difficult time accepting that I was doing this detox. I heard things like why do you have to always be so extreme?!; you don't need to lose weight, why are you doing this?; this is crazy, no fruit, that's nuts!; when you get pregnant, you'll have to be extreme, so why would you do this to yourself now?!.....There were times I had to remind these people that it was my choice, it is only 21 days, reassure them that my goal was not to lose weight, and that I wanted to experience the health benefits from this. This was my favorite line: "Just have this one glass of wine, no one will know." That's where it got ugly. That awkward moment when I said, "Well really, two people will know, you and me. And I think that defeats the whole purpose."

There you have it, my 21 DSD experience in a nutshell. I feel great and will continue and adhere to a paleo lifestlye with very little to no sugar. I will enjoy fruit again, however I've for a long time only eaten maybe a piece a day. And I am truly looking forward to celebrating this accomplishment with a really good glass of wine.

Please feel free to ask me any questions or share your 21 DSD experience with me!

Yours in health,

Kristin at The Fuse Fitness

An afternoon with the Fuse Fitness' little ladies!

Hi everyone! Happy Hump Day! What a gorgeous day it is!

I am spending this sunny and warm(!!!) afternoon with the two cutest Fuse Fitness  little ladies, Ava and Anai. Ava and I picked up Anai from school, got some frozen yogurt, and headed over to Indian Rock in Berkeley to play!!

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!!

Yours in Health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness,