Posts in Nutritious Food
Breaking the Fast, aka breakfast

Hi Fusers! Happy Saturday everyone! You guys all did a kick-ass job this week with your workouts, thanks for keeping us constantly inspired :)

All through July we've been talking food at The Fuse. Unsurprisingly, a lot of us like to eat :)  We've been sharing awesome healthy recipes on our Facebook page, supporting one another in eating clean, and even exchanging some healthy, homemade snacks. It's a good community we have over here I tell ya. This post is going to cover the importance of eating breakfast. Which is awesome, because I sorta love breakfast :)

Remember when you were a kid, and your mom constantly proclaimed, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” It turns out mother knows best, as usual.

motherknowsbestThe name breakfast was coined to represent the meal that would break the fast after the night's sleep, and would provide energy for a long day of work. The pros of eating a healthy breakfast are huge, while the cons can have some pretty negative effects.

First the Bad News

Many people skip breakfast in an effort to lose weight. Consume less calories in the morning, create a little deficit and the pounds will shed, right?

Wrong. When the body is in a prolonged fasting state, such as when you have not eaten since dinner the night before and you skip breakfast, the body begins to panic that it might not get food any time soon. As a protective instinct the body begins to store fat (think of bears prior to hibernation). Consequently, instead of shedding weight the reverse can happen.

Simply put, the body breaks down and when you resume eating normally (not skipping breakfast/meals) you might actually gain weight because your metabolism has significantly slowed down and cannot burn calories as effectively. Double whammy.

bfastwinniethepoohThe Good News

By eating a healthy breakfast, you are revving your metabolism and kicking it into gear for the day. This in effect, helps you to lose and/or manage your weight. You will be able to have more control over your hunger throughout the day, helping reduce the urge to overeat because suddenly you're “starving”. You will be more likely to make nutritious and healthy food choices all day long, because you will have helped stabilize your blood sugar levels, which helps keep sugary and carb cravings at bay. Also, your mind will be clearer and you'll experience increased energy levels and higher productivity. You can't go wrong with these benefits.

What to Eat?

Healthy breakfast choices include foods high in protein, fruit, and veggies. Keep away from sugary, processed foods (muffins, sweetened cereals/oatmeals, donuts, pastries) and include whole, nutritious foods. A few ideas that don't take much time are eggs scrambled with veggies (spinach, kale, mushrooms, onions, peppers), protein smoothie (almond milk, frozen fruit, handful of spinach, protein powder), make ahead frozen protein pancakes, Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts, a banana with almond or sunflower seed butter, or leftovers from dinner the night before. Breakfast does not have to be a certain type of food. Think of breakfast simply as a time of day. Don't feel limited in what you can eat, leftovers could be a great, healthy choice.


So whether you're trying to lose weight or simply maintain your healthy weight, remember what mom told you, breakfast IS the most important meal.

Yours in Health,
Kristin at The Fuse Fitness
To Snack Or Not To Snack....

Hi Fusers, As you may already know, each month we invite members of The Fuse Fitness to challenge themselves to take their fitness to the next level. For example, last month we focused on practicing perfect form when exercising.


This month's challenge has been inspired by our very own members. As group exercise instructors, we have noticed that during classes, in between huffing and puffing, many of us are talking about what we are cooking, eating and experimenting with in the kitchen. So, we thought, let's invite everyone to share the healthy meals and recipes they eat when enjoying breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Everyday People Eating Everyday Foods

This challenge is not advocating for any particular diet or eating regime. In our opinion there are too many fad diets, drinks and services that capitalize on a "weight obsessed" culture. Instead we want to hear what healthy foods and recipes everyday people are buying, cooking and eating.

Snacking - Eating in Between Meals

We start the healthy eating conversation and challenge with snacks. Most of us love them, some of us more than others. There are many studies weighing the pros and cons of snacking and the influence on our overall health. There is also a great deal of discussion regarding the reasons people snack. These reasons are complicated, a combination of cultural, social, practical, and personal influences are involved. For the purposes of this article, we will not be exploring either area of inquiry. We will work under the assumption that many of us like to snack and we will look at ways that we can make snacking work for us.

to snack or not

Snacking Over the Years

Snacking is different for different types of people: active versus inactive; young versus old; under versus overweight. Children and adolescents, for example, may need to recharge their energy with snacks. Athletes often eat between meals just to keep up with their daily caloric needs. Some elderly people may not have an appetite for three large meals a day, so nibbling on smaller meals throughout the day may be a good option to keep them going. If you have questions about snacking for you, your children or aging parents, you might want to talk to a registered dietician.

Does Size Matter?

There are a few variables to consider when it comes to snacking. They include: portion control, nutritional value, timing and total daily calories.

1. Size of the snack Many experts recommend a portion size of about 200 calories. Plan your snacks just like you (ideally) do you meals. If you shop for and pre-make your snacks everyday you will be more likely to stick to the 20 calorie portion size. Do not just open the fridge or pantry and start to graze from food containers. To help stick to the 200 calorie count, measure out the portion then sit down and enjoy the snack.

2. Nutritional value According to Susan Bowerman, RD, assistant director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, look for a balance of carbohydrates, protein (about 10 grams) and fiber (5 grams) for a snack of about 200 calories. Here are some sample snacks to have ready:

Edamame Canned tuna on whole-wheat crackers Cottage cheese-filled avocado An apple and skim milk Hard boiled egg plus 6 whole grain crackers 6-ounce container of low-fat fruit Greek yogurt 1 oz. of pistachios in the shell String cheese plus a peach or nectarine 1/4 cup hummus plus 10 baby carrots


3. Timing of Snacks Professionals recommend that you snack only when you are feeling hungry. If you are craving a snack due to stress or boredom, it will be better for your health if take a ten minute walk to energize your body and distract your mind.

4. Total caloric intake for the day Balance an increase in snacks within the context of your total daily calories including your breakfast, lunch and dinner meals. Eating between meals will only induce weight gain if you regularly eat more calories than you need given your age, gender, weight, activity and goals. Check out what your ideal caloric intake is here.

Share What Works for You

We want you to weigh in with your thoughts as well as your snack ideas and recipes. Where do you shop, what do you make and what foods are helping you on your health and fitness journey?

Yours in Health,

The Fuse Fitness

Eating for Heart Health
Hi Fusers!
Our dear friend and fellow Fuser Beverly Aabjerg has written an awesome guest post regarding heart healthy eating. Thank you so much Beverly!
Good heart health is gained or maintained with exercise and the food that we eat.According to the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, research has found that omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the well-being of our bodies. Eating a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids does appear to decrease the risk of stroke and heart disease. These polyunsaturated fats carry acids that help control blood clotting as well as building cell membranes in the brain.

We cannot manufacture these on our own, so we need to get them from the food we eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are commonly found in marine and plant oils. Here is a list of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids:

Almonds, walnuts and, flaxseed (ground) eaten raw or in recipes are a good way to get your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids.


Oatmeal is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids; as well as magnesium; potassium; folate; niacin; calcium; soluble fiber.  The less processed the oats, the better. Steel cut oats have the highest nutritional value where as instant oats the least. Oatmeal-and-raisin cookies are a heart healthy treat.

a heart healthy treat!

Black or Kidney beans contain omega-3 fatty acids  as well as B-complex vitamins, folate, magnesium, calcium and fiber, plus niacin. These beans are great to add to soups and salads for extra flavor and heart-healthy nutrients.

Fish such as herring, halibut, sardines, tuna and salmon are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. (Make sure to buy wild not farm-raised salmon.)  American Heart Association suggests eating one or more of these fish at least twice a week.


Research shows, that besides heart disease, a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can help with cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and other autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

What is your favorite omega-3 fatty acids food?

Yours in Health,

The Fuse Fitness


That's a wrap!

Hi friends! Happy New Year! Now that 2011 has wrapped up, here's to 2012 being a year that brings good things to you and your family!

The holidays have been a whirlwind this year, lots of fun, and lots of crazy :) Here's a quick recap of mine in photos....

I'm sure we all indulged more than usual, but don't let it bum you out. We work hard all year long, we deserve to have some indulgent behavior :)

Now, time to get your booties back into The Fuse.....let's get this new year started with a bang! We're kicking it into gear this month with our New Years Specials and our fitness challenge.

There are two specials--the first is for all members, a 2 for 1 deal--you bring in a workout buddy (spouse, friend, partner, etc), you both receive 50% off a monthly unlimited package AND you have someone to motivate you (reg. $150 each, now $75 each). The second deal is for new members only, which is $50 off a monthly unlimited class package (reg. $150, now $100).

And the challenge for this month....the dreaded/loved burpee....dreaded by you, loved by us, dreaded because they're tough, loved because they get results. The most burpees (no push-up on the burpee) in 90 seconds wins. The prize? A $75 gift certificate to Lululemon...a little something toward showing off your hard-earned, toned muscles.

And that's a wrap. Happy New Year!!!

Yours in Health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness,

What's Going on at The Fuse These Days...

Hi everyone! Happy end of the week! I know, it's been a little too long since my last post...sorry, things have been busy!

Let me fill you up on what's been going on around the studio....

Last month was a great month, thank you to all our members and clients! We really love what we do, thanks for being a part of it! We got some new equipment (exciting for us, possibly scary/exciting for you :) )...more kettlebells, medicine balls, a dynamax ball, a sandbag, balance disks and a body-fat scale. That's right, more stuff to torture you with ;)

Our donation boxes have continued to fill up with food and warm clothing. Again, thank you all for your kindness and genorosity!

As we're all aware, the holiday season is in full swing! We are really looking forward to our Holiday Cocktail Party, which will be at our studio on Friday, December 16th, 7-8:30pm. We got our mini tree yesterday and will be hanging our lights and decorations today and tomorrow. Pictures of said decorations will follow :)

Either Pascha is really in the holiday mood, or she just lost her water bottle....maybe both :) She's been using this awesome Christmas mug these days....

Our little holiday wreath, waiting to be hung....

This time of year is always really busy, there seems to be lots of birthdays as well as holiday parties, shopping to do, visitors stopping by.....while lots of fun, its often really stressful. It's easy to get off track with your health, missing workouts to run errands or indulging in too many treats. While it's important to allow yourself to indulge, it's a good idea to keep it in check. Decide what's really worth it to you and go for it....for those things that aren't quite worth it, skip it. Try to stick to your workouts so that your stress levels stay in the sane level and the scale stays in the sane level too :)

Yours in Health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness,

p.s. If you'd like to sign up for our newsletter, go to this link: Fuse Fitness Newsletter


Hi friends :) First off, I want to wish my wonderful friend and business partner Pascha a very happy birthday! This has been a wonderful and crazy last few months, and I'm so very grateful to be doing this with you :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I did :)

Mine started with an awesome morning Monkey Ninja Bootcamp--shout out to Beverly, Damon, Josh, Kristin, Lashunda, Kattt, Beth, Noa, Rebecca, Joanne, Daniela, and Samantha. We jumped, lunged, chopped, crawled and sweated our way through an intense calorie and fat burning workout--no guilt eating later for us :)

Afterward, I joined my family at my parents' house--we had a small gathering this year, my parents, my husband Doug, my lil' bro Jase, and my step-daughter Ava. Major props to my mom who had been cooking and preparing food for a couple days. I joined in helping her as soon as I arrived. My main contributions were a pumpkin pie and preparing and cooking the green beans and brussel sprouts.

A few pics of some of our food....

Lastly, I'd like to share a few things I'm thankful for, as well as some of the things my family is thankful for (we shared what we were thankful for during dinner)....

1. My family--there is nothing more important to me than my family. I appreciate how close we all our and how accepting everyone is. We are notorious for always having a good time, filled with laughter, joking around, lots of food and friends love coming over for celebrations because my family is just that fun.

2. According to Ava, my 10 year old step-daughter--"I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my pets and the planet Earth." Well said little one, and well rehearsed. Her response, "I know, we had to recite this in class."

Luckily for her, when she recited what she's thankful for, she had no idea what was coming. Something else to add to the list--dessert :)

3. My mom told a touching story about seeing a woman at the grocery store helping her daughter out of the car. She said the litte girl was probably about Ava's age and had cerebal palsy. Seeing this woman made her feel very grateful for everything we have. It's not perfect, but it's plenty.

4. "Margaritas!" A little out of character, but that was my dad's response. He spoke the truth though, maybe even what we were all thinking in the back of our heads, margaritas are something to be very grateful for.

See that bottle of tequilla behind the yeah, so we have a thing for  margaritas. We'll keep working on that bottle the rest of the weekend :)

All joking aside, I'm truly grateful for the love and support of my family and friends, for the amazing oppportunities I've had thus far in my life, for my health, and for being able to do what I love--share my views on fitness and health with all of you. Thank you for being a part of my life :)

Yours in Health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness,

Focusing on the Positive...

Hey everyone! Happy almost Friday to you! Probably will be Friday by the time you read this :)

So this week has been kinda up and down for me. There's been a lot of great things, but I've felt pretty run down all week. I think I hit a wall....and really needed some extra rest. Thankfully, I had a free hour yesterday due to a client being out of town, and I was able to hit the sauna at Iron Works...yeah, I totally fell asleep. But I woke up feeling really rejuvenated...sometimes a little extra rest does the trick ;)

But I'd rather focus on the positive here's a recap in photos and videos.

We have a new studio mascot, first discovered last Saturday. She's stayed around all week, hanging out by our front door. And yes, she's still alive, she was crawling around just earlier this evening.

Awesome Sunday sunset, captured from my living room:

This never gets old :)

I had to take a photo of my second favorite cat (1st favorite being my own of course :) ). Her name is Kit and I'm pretty sure she's having a love affair with my gym bag. For 3 years I have been going to my clients' home to train them, and Kit just can't get enough of my bag. She loves to rub herself all over it, get in and hang out. She gets a bit embarrassed when I try to take her picture, so I have to be covert about it :)

I wouldn't want to hurt my kitty's feelings, so I've gotta post a pic of her too. She is not as sweet as Kit, she bites and scratches....but I love her anyway :)

Cute, huh?

I also wanted to give a huge shout out to all our students and clients! We have been so impressed with everyone's pushups this week! It's been really awesome seeing you all break your records day after day....lovin' it!

Here's an awesome clip from this evening's Monkey Ninja Bootcamp, you guys killed it!

[wpvideo 7Tu20Ew7]

We're finishing getting ready for a Halloween party for my daughter and her girlfriends this weekend. She's very excited....and I've got a lot of baking left to do! Call me crazy, but I couldn't bear buying her a whole bunch of junky, processed candy for the goody bags. Instead, I signed myself up for making homemade Halloween treats to put in the know, in all my spare time :) It's a win win--I feel better about knowing that the homemade treats have quality ingredients. She's happy because even though she would love a bunch of candy, she knows that homemade treats always taste better in the end. I've got my work cut out for me tomorrow evening :)

I'll let you know how it goes :)

Happy Weekend and Happy Halloween!

Yours in Health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness

Yay!! The weekend is almost here!

Hi friends :) Happy very almost weekend! Isn't it funny come Monday morning it seems as though the weekend will never rear its head again....and then before you know it, it's Friday afternoon! I love hearing about everyone's plans for the weekend and love to know how you spend your down time.

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm heading out to the parents' Saturday afternoon. They only live 45 minutes away, however it seems a world of least in terms of my relaxing abilities :) My Saturdays always start with a 9am client (let's me sleep in a little bit!) and then teaching my Monkey Ninja Bootcamp over at my studio, The Fuse Fitness in Kensington. I love teaching my Saturday class! Most of the people who take it have been taking it for a long time, so I can really.kick.their.asses! Love it! And for some weird reason, they keep coming back for more :) Tomorrow's workout is already planned, and it's no joke. The kind of workout that will leave everyone laying in a sweaty puddle at the end of the hour, unable to move. And even though I am up front and honest about what kind of workout we'll be doing (HARD!!) they show up anyway! Like I said, weird, huh?

After class I clean the studio from top to bottom, getting it ready for the beginning of a new week. We close down Sundays so we can all get a bit of rest. And then I'm heading to the parents', where I will get to chill (so looking forward to that, it seems like it's been a while), maybe even by the pool (we strangely get our summer weather in September and October), take a nap, *try* to cuddle with our cat (mainly chase her around and most likely get bitten by her), and go out to dinner with my parents and husband to one of our favorite restaurants, Town. I think that name is so cute...going out for a night on the Town. Anyway, they have great cocktails(!), awesome food and the atmosphere is fun and lively. And the company is wonderful :) Sunday I will get to really sleep in (woo hoo! it's been forever) but I'll probably wake up early least I don't have to wake up to an alarm, that always makes for a great day. And if the weather is nice and warm, which it's supposed to be, I'll head out to my parents' pool with my book and probably fall asleep in the sun :) In case you couldn't tell, Sundays are my rest days and I plan on resting to the max this Sunday!

Anyway, just wanted to wish everyone a great weekend and see what you guys have planned. Partying, working, resting, exercising? Please share!

Yours in Health,

Kristin @ The Fuse Fitness

Food Marketing Traps and Weekend Relaxation

Hi friends! :) Hope your Thursday is getting off to a good start. The weekend is almost here! I'm looking forward to getting out of town and visiting my parents. They live in Menlo Park, about 45 minutes from me, and it's so relaxing to leave my life here and have a very mini-vacay out there. My parents are so wonderful and have always been so supportive of me and I feel so lucky to have them :) They live close enough that I can see them regularly, yet far enough away that is allows me to unplug and unwind....which is often hard to do in my own home if you know what I mean :) There's always something that needs to be done in my house that it's often a bit challenging to relax....and I could use some relaxation right now. While I wouldn't have it any other way, it is exhausting working the way Pascha and I have been since we opened our studio....teaching 8 or 9 classes a week, training clients one-on-one between 20-30 hours a week, and then running and managing our business in all our spare time. Whew!! Anyway, I'd love to hear what your plans are for the weekend....that's always my favorite stretching topic in my classes or with my clients; I enjoy hearing what people do in their free time.

As many of you already know, we hosted the "Eating Healthy On The Go" workshop last weekend. Like I mentioned in my previous blogpost, it was a great success. It was our first workshop since we've opened in June, and our goal is to host one a month. We would absolutely LOVE to hear ideas on what type of workshops you might be interested in.

Back to last weekend's workshop....Pascha and I thought it would be very informative to expand on it a bit and discuss foods that fool people. What I mean by that are foods that are marketed towards the consumer to trick them into thinking it's healthy for them. Sound confusing? It is a marketing folks have it down--they know how to suspend your disbelief and get you to buy their product. Take low-fat or non-fat, fruit flavored yogurt. Sounds healthy, right? The packaging makes sure to say in big letters on the front that it's low-fat and low-calorie. There's usually a pretty picture of some piece of fruit, representing the flavor of the yogurt. How could you go wrong, this is surely healthy for you. Well, take a look at the ingredients....sugar is usually in the top 2 or 3 ingredients. A Yopait, low-fat banana yogurt has 26 grams of sugar in it, equivalent to 6.5 teaspoons! That's a lot of unnecessary sugar that is not good for you. The best way to enjoy yogurt is to buy plain yogurt and doctor it up yourself. If it's too sour for you, add some fresh fruit and a small amount of unrefined, natural sugar, such as honey or agave. One of my favorite snacks is whole milk, Greek yogurt, mixed with sliced banana, strawberries, slivered almonds, unsweetened coconut and chia seeds. Healthy, delicious, plenty sweet because of the fruit!

Another common trap when it comes to buying food is wheat bread. We all know that we're supposed to eat whole grains, so white bread is out. But little do we know that plain wheat bread isn't much better for you. Another marketing trick which does nothing for our health. Unless the package says 100% Whole Wheat Bread, you may as well buy white bread. What's the difference you ask? White and wheat bread are made with wheat flour, which the bran and the germ have been removed through a process known as milling. Milling gives white flour a longer shelf life by removing the bran which contains oil, allowing products made with it, like white bread, the ability to survive storage. In other words, it's processed. If the product is 100% Whole Wheat Bread, it has to use whole wheat flour that hasn't been processed or stripped of its nutrients. It may not stay fresh as long on the shelf, but who really wants to eat bread that weirdly doesn't go bad for weeks?

What I want you to take away from this is that it is absolutely necessary to read the nutrition facts and not get sucked into the marketing of a product. Even more important is to check the ingredient list. If sugar is in the top 1-3 ingredients, think again. Jarred pasta sauce is often another food that fools people--it's usually loaded with added sugar. You wouldn't know until you glanced at the nutrition facts and ingredients. Also, if the ingredient list has a whole bunch of items on it that you have no clue as to what the heck they are, do you really want that going into your body? Food is what fuels and nourishes every cell in our's important to give it things that are healthy.

I challenge you to look past packaging and key-words marketers use, such as "organic," "low-fat," and "gluten-free" and to immediately draw your eyes to what really matters....the ingredients in that food and the nutrition facts. Don't be fooled by a processed, junky snack item that says in big, bold letters on front, "Only 100 calories per serving!" It may just be 100 calories, but if it's processed and junky, it has no benefit to you or your body.

Cheers to moving past food marketing traps and forward into healthy food choices. Please share your thoughts on this topic!

Yours in Health,

The Fuse Fitness

One workshop down, another coming up...

Hi there! Hope your week is off to a good start. I know mine's amazing what great weather can do for keeping your spirits flying high :)

We had our first workshop this past Sunday....and it was a success! Jamie Dougherty from Jamie Living (check out her website, put on "Eating Healthy On The Go" over here at our studio, The Fuse Fitness in Kensington. She spoke about the difference between yin (expansive) and yang (contractive) foods and the need for balance in what we eat for the best digestion. Her 6 simple steps for eating healthy on the go are to reduce caffeine, drink lots of water, eat dark leafy green veggies, increase your sweet veggies, chew your food thoroughly, and make sure to breathe. Jamie also spoke about the need to eliminate all processed foods from our diets...including dry cereals! This really shocked a lot of people....Jamie says that even healthy dry cereals, such as Kashi, are processed and should be avoided. She'd like to see everyone sticking to oatmeal (and not the pre-packaged, sugared up kind :) ) for cereal. Jamie stressed the importance of eating organic when it comes to meats and dairy--you don't want animal products that come from animals that have been pumped with hormones and antibiotics! All in all, it was quite informative and everyone enjoyed it! We'll definitely be having her back for another workshop soon!

Our next workshop, "Jumping in Feet First," is coming up Sunday October 16th, 1:30-3:30pm with the lovely Cynthea Denise! She is one of our amazing yoga instructors and you can check her out on her website, Here's the info on the workshop and what it entails:

"In the Iyengar tradition of Yoga much attention is paid to the feet as the foundational support to healthy, strong and fluid standing postures.  Reflexology reveals that all of the organ systems can be effected by working with the feet.

In our day to day life we cover our feet with shoes and go about our day without paying attention to our feet unless they hurt.  In this workshop we will take a look at the anatomy and function of our lower extremities and how simple daily attention can improve the function of the feet and how this will effect the rest of our body."
You can sign up for this amazing, informative workshop on our website,
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
Yours in Health,
The Fuse Fitness