Posts tagged gratitude
Marni Gonzalez's Fuse Fitness Success Story!

Hi Fusers! This month we're celebrating one of our amazing members, Marni Gonzalez. If I could describe her in one word, in relation to how she is in the gym, I'd say tough. By definition, I mean that she "demonstrates a strict and uncompromising attitude or approach."  When presented with any challenge in class, she always creates a strategy, implements that strategy and then very successfully completes the challenge. Just. Like. That. If you've taken class with Marni, you know that she maintains her strong pace evenly, keeping her focus on the goal. It's quite impressive.


Having been a member at Fuse since March 2015, Marni has without fail, (unless she is traveling, which is one of her passions) showed up and stuck to her very consistent schedule, for a total of 345 times, logging in just over 300 hours of working out. Consistency and keeping a schedule for working out is what gets results, and Marni has that figured out.

That's just a glimpse into Marni's gym life--as you can see, she is hard-working, disciplined and goal oriented. I'd wager to say that her tenacity probably has something to do with how she became a neurologist. Just a guess on my part :) She has been a practicing neurologist since 2006 and is a senior physician at Kaiser Permanente Medical Group. She also led the creation and implementation of The Memory Center, where she and other team members provide medical and social support for patients with dementia.

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So yeah, in one word I'd say this woman is tough. But since I don't have to only describe her in one word, I'd also like to say that she is incredibly sweet, supportive and I love having her in class. Marni has made a serious commitment to her health since joining, both with her workouts and her diet, and she has really transformed her body. She's super strong, works really hard, motivates everyone and inspires us all. And I love how devoted she is to her family and her faith.


Here are a few words from Marni about her fitness journey:

"Approaching middle age prompted me to contemplate my future self.  Do I want to be a “healthy” and “active” 65-year-old, enjoying retirement?  Or, do I accept the alternative?  At this crossroad in my life, I made a commitment to get healthier, physically.  I joined Woohoo Fit in June 2012, two months after my 39th birthday and have been working out consistently ever since.  When Woohoo Fit closed in the Spring 2015, some of us former "Woohoo-ers" transferred to Fuse Fitness.  I am so thankful that I decided to do so!  It was a pretty seamless transition for me.  The challenging classes, wonderful trainers, and community of fellow "Fusers" make this place very special. I felt welcomed from the beginning.

"I realized that exercising regularly does not necessarily result in weight loss.  Don’t misunderstand me – I know that it is essential for cardiovascular health.  However, working out three times a week while I continued my undisciplined food habits gradually but surely resulted in a size increase in my clothes!  I also felt I reached a plateau in my fitness level.


"Fortunately, last February 2016, I committed to a change in my approach to food.  I also increased the frequency of my work outs (from three to four times a week), threw in Monday night yoga sessions with Kelly, and exercised even while on vacation (which I never used to do).  Now, also thirty pounds lighter, I don’t think I have been stronger and more physically fit in my life.

"I am very grateful for the phenomenal trainers who so patiently worked with me over the years at Woohoo Fit and Fuse Fitness – Eva, Kelly, Amy B., Kristen, Pasha, Gail, Beverly, and now Michelle.  My life has forever changed!"

Marni, we are grateful for you and the example you set. Thank you for being such a wonderful and integral part of the Fuse community!

Yours in health,

Kristin at Fuse Fitness

P.S. As always, if you're reading this and interested in finding your own path to success with your health and fitness, fill out the contact form below to sign up for a free fitness consult today!

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Hi Fusers, How did it get to be this time of year again so quickly? Time to get together with family and friends, share delicious food, conversation and laughs, all which warm our bellies and souls. A magical time indeed. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!


I'd like to share some of my thoughts on gratitude in my life. I am deeply grateful to love what I do and to have passion for my work. I am so incredibly lucky to be able to get up each morning with complete happiness in my work-life. I have an amazing business partner who has become one of my most cherished friends in the world. To do this together is a blessing, one that I will never take for granted. I have so grateful for each and every client/student who walks in my life, for they all motivate and inspire me every single day.

I am eternally grateful for an unconditionally loving family, who has always been in my corner, lifted me up when I fall, shared happiness at my highs and accomplishments, and protected and respected my individuality, goals and opinions. They have always pushed me to be the best person I can, to go after my goals and to dream big. And I have to say, with all of them behind me, I push boundaries and follow my dreams, even when I'm scared. So truly, my family is the greatest gift to me in this world. And for that, I have so much gratitude.

Despite having my family's unconditional love and support, I am hard on myself. I can be very critical, and often don't show myself unconditional love and support. I forget to be grateful toward me. Quick to think I always need to do more, take on more, be better, never can be exhausting. I think we can all be our own worst enemies and too hard on ourselves. It's important to take a look around and be grateful for everything we bring to this world, everything we've accomplished in the last year. Sure, there's always room for more-we can try harder, get stronger, improve more. But we don't have to be perfect. We need to look back at the year and see all that we've done, and be thankful and show gratitude to ourselves.

When I look back at the past year, I see someone who every day takes care of my family, my clients, my work, my friends, my home, my health and I give myself fully to each of these things most of the time. I am a care-taker, a nurturer, a "yes" person; I love deeply and strongly and am very protective of those I love. And today, I am going to be grateful for the person I am, seeing the positive, appreciating all the hard work I've done, all the accomplishments I've made.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

xo, Kristin