Hi Fusers!
Happy Friday!! This week's post is very important, an integral part of fitness and results. One that is too easy to skip. We frequently get so caught up in our need to accomplish our goals, that we forget to rest our bodies. Our dear friend Beverly Aabjerg is the guest writer for this 2 part series, and she has done a great job! Thank you Beverly!!
Take a Break!
Take a break, not for long, but for a day or two every week. When you workout hard, it is critical to your physical and mental well-being to take the time to let your mind and body rest and renew.

Whether a weekend warrior or an elite athlete, rest is an important component of reaching your desired level of fitness. The American College of Sports Medicine advises, "A rest day must occur at least one to two times per week. Even small breaks during a workout are sometimes required to get the most out of the workout and prevent injuries."
Here are signs that you may need a break:
1. Are you constantly fatigued?
2. Do have a hard time getting a good night's sleep or do you need more than eight hours a night to feel alert?
3. Are you sore and stiff with aching joints and muscles for days with no relief?
4. Do you depend on pain medication to get you through a day?
5. Is the love gone between you and your workout even though nothing about it is different? It may be time to switch up routines, or you might be burning out.
6. Overtraining can have a plateau affect on your body. Are you noticing few improvements or gains? Your body may have reached a stalemate that only a rest can fix.
7. Do you feel anxious knowing that your calendar or life-schedule will not allow you to workout everyday?
8. Are you experiencing one injury after another to one or more body parts? Beware, acute issues can become chronic if not addressed.
If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, as advised, incorporate a rest day or two into your weekly workout schedule. Some people take a day off every fourth day. Others take Sunday off and start their week with energy and enthusiasm. Think of your rest day as being as crucial to your fitness as your workout days. If you have health concerns beyond over training, talk to your doctor. He or she will be able to help you determine if there are other underlying causes.
For more see next week’s blog where we will discuss the benefits of a rest day.
So remember, rest is crucial to making fitness gains. There is such a thing as too much. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!
Yours in Health,
p.s. A quick reminder--we now have 2 classes on Sunday mornings, 9:30am is Metabolic Surge and 10:30am is Core and Stretch, both with Deshaun. Sign up