Client of the month Kyra Millich

Our client of the month is Kyra Millich. Kyra has trained with the Fuse Fitness since Fall 2018. An avid athlete for most of her life, Kyra was looking to get her strength and confidence back after several years of inactivity due to an MS diagnosis in 2013. We developed a plan that focused on helping her build balanced habits, steadily making improvements to boost muscle mass, improve agility, and regain mobility.

In late 2018, Kyra decided it was time to regain trust and strength in her body, but she was hesitant to join a typical gym. She was concerned that she might not be able to perform on par with others in the class. She had imbalance issues and dragged her left foot. She wanted a more individualized and attentive approach for her journey back to great health.

“I was afraid that I would fall or not be strong enough. Not trusting my body was really scary, and asking for help was difficult. I used to be in great shape and had a lot of guilt, self-loathing, and embarrassment. I eventually realized that I just had to accept my feelings at that time,” said Kyra. “ Kristin and Pascha were caring, considerate, non-judgemental, and fun. Their approach was very gradual and attentive. I felt very safe in their hands. Through their support, encouragement, and deep knowledge of fitness fundamentals - I got the strength, trust, and balance back in my body.”

With our personalized guidance and support, Kyra has transformed into an active member of our community. She is now focused on looking good, feeling fit, and continuously challenging herself.

“Anyone who is suffering from an injury or physical condition might have to deal with their ego, but should strongly consider personal training. Merge with the pain and just keep moving forward. If not now, than when?” - Kyra Millich

Kristin Rios